Youth Sports & Activities
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Youth Sports & Activities
At the Y there is so much for youth to participate in. There are team sports such as soccer, swim team, basketball and more. We offer something year round for kids of all ages. The E.R. English Scholarship is available to those who qualify.
Spring Sports Registration Now Available
The Altavista Area YMCA offers Spring Soccer (ages 6-15), T-ball (ages 4-6), Baseball (ages 7-10 and 11&12), and Dixie Softball (Ages 7-14).
The Altavista Area YMCA collaborates with Motley Dixie Youth for ages 7-12 with games being played at both Motley Ruritan Club and at the YMCA fields.
T-Ball and ages 7-10 Baseball
Motley Dixie Youth Baseball 11 & 12 Year Old
Dixie Youth Softball
Softball for girls 7-14 years of age.
Spring Soccer (6-15 years of age)
Ongoing Activities at the Y
Come to the gym and join in on a youth pickup basketball game during the summer.
- For Y members only, Pick Up Basketball
- Check out the pool schedule and enjoy open swim

Youth Sports & Activities Schedules
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